The Golden Age Heroes
The text on this site, except where otherwise credited,
is © copyright 2004 Jess Nevins, and may not be duplicated, in part
or in whole, without my permission.
You'll quickly notice that there isn't a whole
lot of information in most entries, and that some entries are rudimentary.
That's deliberate. I don't have the time, energy, or resources to do an
in-depth investigation of each character. I figure that, in the years and
decades to come, there will be others to expand on my work. (If comics
survive that long, I mean) For now, I think it's enough to give short descriptions
of each character.
The characters are listed in traditional comic
book style, first name first, surname last, so that both Captain
Marvel and Johnny Thunder
are listed alphabetically by the first letter of their first name, in,
respectively, the Cs and the Js.
Likewise, characters with ordinary names, like Wing Brady and Slam Bradley
will be found in the Ws and the Ss.
I'll be sticking with Golden Age characters
and continuity only. No retcon characters or histories will be included
(so the All-Star Squadron, for one, will be excluded). My definition of
the "Golden Age," by the way, is 1935 to 1949. If you don't agree with
my definition, then you're free to go elsewhere.
Thanks to: Alicia, as always, my polestar;
Michael Norwitz, always helpful, whose web sites provided much good information
and links and whose continued correspondence is always a pleasure to read;
Ronald Byrd, a gentlemen, mensch, and comics scholar whose knowledge
dwarfs not just my own but, from what I can tell, the pro writers as well;
Ed Love, for loads of helpful information; Scott Nesmith, for various information;
Richard and Darren Wiltshire, for a great CD-ROM and a better
website; Don Markstein, for information on the Terrific Whatzit; "jakeoster,"
for many good contributions; the staff at the University of Tulsa's Special
Collections Library.
Feedback, corrections and additions are of
course welcome. Send your e-mails to Jess
Dec. 2000
various corrections
Buckskin Blake, Captain Devildog, Diana the Huntress, Iron Vic, Prince
Zardi, Rex King, Spider Woman
July 2001
Did a
major update, adding well over 100 new characters and updating many others.
July 2001
to: Dickie Dean, Doll Girl, Lieutenant Marvels,
Marvel Bunny, Phoenix Squadron, 711, Wasp, Yankee Girl
Cavalier, Cyclone (II), Dan Hastings (II)
"Prepare for the fortification
of the Web. We are only the forerunners of what is to come."
Abdul the Arab to Auro
Abdul the Arab, Ace Barlow, 'Ace' Mason,
Ace Powers, Adventure, Incorporated, Airboy, Airmaidens, Airmale, Air Man,
Air-Sub 'DX', Air Wave, Ajax the Sun Man, Algie, Allan De Beaufort, All-Winners
Squad, Amazing Man, Amazona, American Ace, American Avenger, American Crusader,
American Eagle, Angel, Aquaman, Archie Atkins, Archie the Gruesome, Armstrong
of the Army, Arrow, Astron, Atlas, Atom, Atoman, Atom Blake, Atomic Man,
Atomic Thunderbolt, Auro
Balbo the Boy Magician to Buzz Crandall
Balbo the Boy Magician, Bald Eagle, Banshee,
Barney Mullen, Barry Finn, Barry Kuda, Barry O'Neill, Batman, Ben Johnson,
Betty Bates, Biff Bannon, Biff Bronson, 'Bill' Hardin, Bill Barnes, Billy
Gunn, Bill Handy, Bill Wayne, Bird Man, Black Angel, Black Avenger, Black
Buccaneer, Black Canary, Black Cat, Black Cobra, Black Commander, Black
Condor, Black Crusader, Black Diamond, Black Dwarf, Black Fury, Blackhawks,
Black Hood, Blackie the Mystery Boy, Black Jack, Black Lion, Black Marvel,
Black Orchid, Blackout (I) & (II), Black Owl, Black Panther, Black
Pirate, Black Sheep Squadron, Black Spider, Blackstone, Black Terror, Black
Venus, Black Widow (I) & (II), Black X, Blast Bennett, Blaze Barton,
"Blaze" Baylor, Blazing Scarab, Blazing Skull, Blond Garth, Blonde Phantom,
Blue Beetle, Blue Blade, Blue Blaze, Blue Bolt, Blue Circle, Blue Diamond,
Blue Fire, Blue Flame, Blue Lady, Blue Streak (I) & (II), Blue Tracer,
Bobby and Binks, Bob Daley, Bob Merritt, Bob Neal, Bob Phantom, Bob Steele,
Bob Wiley, Bogeyman, Bombardiers, Bomber Burns (I) & (II), Bombshell,
Boomerang, Bouncer, Boy Buddies, Boy Commandos, Boy Explorers, Boy Heroes,
Boy King, Bozo the Iron Man, Brad Hardy, Bradley Boys, Brad Spencer, Breeze
Barton, Breezy Collins, Bronze Man, Bronze Terror, Bruce Nelson, Buccaneer,
Buck Brady, Buck Burke, Buck Jones, Buck Marshall, Buck Ranger, Buckskin
Blake, Buckskin Jim, Buckskin Rangers, Bucky, Buddy (I) & (II), Bulldog
Martin, Bulletgirl, Bulletman, Bull's-Eye Bill, Bumper, Burma Boy, "Buzz"
Balmer, Buzz Crandall
Camilla to Cyclone
Camilla, Captain Aero, Captain America, Captain
Battle, Captain Battle, Jr., Captain Bill of the Rangers, Captain Combat,
Captain Commando, Captain Compass, Captain Cook, Captain Courageous, Captain
Curry, Captain Daring (I) & (II), Captain Dash, Captain Desmo, Captain
Devildog, Cap'n Erik, Captain Fearless, Captain Fight, Captain Flag, Captain
Flight, Captain Fortune, Captain Freedom, Captain Fury, Captain Future
(I) & (II), Captain Glory, Captain Grim, Captain Halyard, Captain Magnet,
Captain Marvel, Captain Marvel Jr., Captain Midnight, Captain Power, Captain
Satan, Cap Stone, Captain Strong, Captain Terror, Captain Thunder, Captain
Triumph, Captain Valiant, Captain Valor, Captain Venture, Captain Victory,
Captain Wings, Captain Wizard, Captain Wonder, Captain X, Casey Jones,
Catman, Cat-Man, Cavalier, Challenger, Chameleon, the Champ, Chemix, Chen
Chang, Chop Suey, Chuck Dawson, Chuck Hardy, Citizen Smith, Citizen V,
Click Rush, Cliff Cornwall, Cliff Crosby, Clip Carson, Clipper Kirk, Cloak,
Clock, Cloud Curtis, Clown, Comet, Comet Pierce, Commando Cubs, Commando
Yank, Congo Bill, Congo Lancers, Conqueror, Copper Slugg, Corporal Collins,
Cosmic Carson, Cosmo the Phantom of Disguise, Cosmo Mann, Cotton Carver,
Craig Carter, Crash Davis, Crash Kid, Crash Parker, Crimebuster, Crime
Crusaders Club, Crimson Avenger, Criss Cross, Crusader, Cub, Cyclone (I)
& (II)
Dagar to Dynamo
Dagar, Dakor the Magician, Dale of the FBI,
Dan Dare, Dan Hastings (I) & (II), Dan Williams, Dandy, Daredevil,
Dare Devils 3, Dart, Dash Dillon, Dave Dean, Davey, David, Deacon, Death
Patrol, Defender, Delecta, Denny Scott, Destiny, Destroyer, Destroying
Demon, Detective Crane, Detective Sergeant Carey, Detecto, Devil's Dagger,
Diamond Jack, Diana the Huntress, Dickie Dean, Dick Mace, Dick Star, Dick
Transom, Dicky, Dirk Delancey, Dirk the Demon, DI 13, Doc Davis, Dr. Diamond,
Dr. Doom, Dr. Fate, Dr. Frost, Dr. Fung, Dr. Mid-Nite, Dr. Mortal, Dr.
Mystic, Dr. Nemesis, Dr. Occult, Doc Savage, Doc Strange, Doc Strong, Dr.
Voodoo, Doll Girl, Doll Man, Domino, Don Drake, Don Fortune, Don Glory,
Don Gorman, Don Granval, Don Kerry, Don Q, Don Winslow, Doodle, Downbeat,
Dragon, D-13, Durango Kid, Dusty, Dynaman, Dynamic Boy, Dynamic Man (I)
& (II), Dyna-Mite, Dynamite Thor, Dynamo
Eagle to the Eye
Eagle, Eagle Evans, Echo, Edison Bell, El
Carim, Electro, Enchanted Dagger, Eternal Brain, the Eye
The Face to F-4
The Face, The Falcon (I) & (II), Fantomah,
Fantom of the Fair, Fargo Kid, Father Time, Federal Men, Fero, Ferret (I)
& (II), Fiery Mask, Fighting Fool, Fighting Yank (I) & (II), Fin,
Fireball, Firebrand (I) & (II), Fire Eater, Firefly, Fire-Man, Flag,
Flag Man, Flame (I) & (II), Flame Girl, Flash, Flash Foster, Flash
Lightning, Flexo the Rubber Man, Flint Baker, Flint Man, Flying Dutchman,
Flying Fist, Flying Flame, Flying Fox, Flying Trio, Fly-Man, Four Comrades,
Fourth Musketeer, Fox, Frankenstein, Freelance, Frontier Marshal, Funnyman,
Futura, F-4
Gale Allen to G-2
Gale Allen, Gargoyle, Garry, Gary Hawkes,
Gary Morgan, Gaucho, Gay Ghost, Genius Jones, Ghost, Ghost of Flanders,
Ghost Patrol, Girl Commandos, Gladiator, Golden Arrow, Golden Girl (I)
& (II), Golden Lad, Great Defender, Green Arrow, Green Falcon, Green
Giant, Green Hornet, Green Knight, Green Lama, Green Lantern, Green Mask
(I) & (II), Green Turtle, Grenade, Grim Reaper, Grit Grady, Guardian
Angel, "Gunner" Thompson, G-2
Hack O'Hara to Hyper
Hack O'Hara, Hale of the Herald, Hangman,
The Hawk, Hawkman, Headless Horseman, Headline Hunter, Heap, Henri Duval,
Hercules (I), (II) & (III), Hip Knox, Hood, Hooded Wasp, Hooks Devlin,
Hop Harrigan, Hourman, Human Bomb, Human Dynamo, Human Meteor, Human Top,
Human Torch, Hunchback, Hurricane, Hurricane Hansen, Hurricane Harrigan,
Hustace Throckmorton, Hydroman, Hy Hardy, Hyper
Ibis to Iron Vic
Ibis the Invincible, Immortal Man, Inferno,
Inspector Bancroft, Inspector Dayton, Invisible Avenger, Invisible Hood,
Invisible Man, Invisible Scarlet O'Neill, Invisible Terror, Iron Ace, Iron
Gates, Iron Skull, Iron Vic
Jack and Jill to Just 'n' Right
Jack and Jill, Jack Andrews, Jack Dale, Jack
Dewey, Jack Frost, Jackie Law, Jack of Spades, Jack Terry, Jack Wander,
Jack Woods, Jane Drake, Jane Martin, Jap-Buster Johnson, Jaxon, Jeff Barter,
Jeff Dix, Jester, Jim Dawson, Jim Dolan, Jim Giant, Jim Hatfield, Jimmy
Jupiter, Jinx, Joan Mason, Jo-Jo, John Law, Johnnie Law, Johnny Canuck,
Johnny Peril, Johnny Quick, Johnny Rebel (I) & (II), Johnny Thunder
(I) & (II), John Steele, Jon Linton, Judge, Judy of the Jungle, Jun-Gal,
Jungle Boy, Jungle King, Jungleman, Jungle Twins, Junior Rangers, Jupiter,
Justice Society of America, Just 'n' Right
K the Unknown to K-51
K the Unknown, Kaanga, Kalthar, Kangaroo
Man, Kardak, Kato, Kay McKay, Kayo Kane, Kayo Kirby, Ka-Zar, Ken Keen,
Kenny Carr, Kid Cobra, Kid Colt, Kid Dixon, Kid Eternity, King (I) &
(II), King Carter, Kit, Kitten, Kitty Kelly, Kon Fu, K-4, K-51
Lady Danger to Lynx
Lady Danger, Lady Fairplay, Lady Luck, Lady
Satan (I) & (II), Lance (I) & (II), Lance Hale, Lance Lewis, Lance
O'Casey, Lance Rand, Lando, Larry Kane, Larry Steele, Laughing Mask, Lectra,
Lee Preston, Liberator, Liberty Belle, Liberty Guards, Liberty Lads, Lieutenant
Drake, Lieutenant Hercules, Lieutenant Lank, Lieutenant Marvels, Lightning,
Lightning Girl, Link Thorne, Lion Boy, Li'l Professor, Little Boy Blue,
Little Hercules, Little Leaders, Little Wise Guys, London, Lone Eagle,
Lone Warrior, Loop Logan, Loops and Banks, Lucky Byrd, Lucky Coyne (I)
& (II), Lucky Landers, Lucky Lawrence, Lucky Lawton, Lucky Lucifer,
Lum Sims, Lynx
Ma Jenkins to Mystic
Ma Jenkins, Mach Duff, Madam Fatale, Madam
Satan, Mad Hatter, Magar the Mystic, Magic Morro, Magnet, Magno (I) &
(II), Major Liberty, Major Mars, Major Victory, Manhunter (I) & (II),
Mann of India, Man of War, Man O'Metal, Manowar, Mantor the Magician, Marga,
Margo the Magician, Mark Lansing, Mark Marson, Marksman (I) & (II),
Mark Swift, Martan the Marvel Man, Marty McCann, Marvel Boy (I) & (II),
Marvel Bunny, Marvelo, Marvex the Super-Robot, Marvo the Magician, Marvo
1.2 Go+, Mary Marvel, Mask, Masked Marvel (I) & (II), Masked Ranger,
Masked Rider, Master Key, Masterman, Master Mind Excello, Mekano, Menta,
Merciless the Sorceress, Mercury, Merlin, Merry the Girl of 1000 Gimmicks,
Merzah the Mystic, Meteor, Mickey, Mickey Martin, Micro Face, Microman,
Midnight, Mighty Man, Mike Gibbs, Mike Trapp, Minimidget, Minute-Man, Miracle
Man, Mirror Man, Miss America (I) & (II), Miss Fury, Miss Masque, Miss
Patriot, Miss Shady, Miss Victory, Miss X, Mr. E (I) & (II), Mister
Justice, Mister Midnight, Mister Millions, Mr. Ree, Mister Satan, Mr. Scarlet,
Mr. Terrific, Mister Wu, Mitey Powers, Monako, M'sieu L'Epee, Monstro the
Mighty, Moon Girl, Moon Man, Mosquito, Moth, Mouthpiece, Muley Pike, Music
Master, Mysta, Mystery Men of Mars
Nadir to Nyoka
Nadir, Namora, Nelson Cole, Nelvana, Neon
the Unknown, Neptina, Nevada Jones, Newsboy Legion, Nick Carter, Nickie
Norton, Night Hawk, Nightmare, Nightro, Nyoka
One Round Hogan to Owl Girl
One Round Hogan, Oracle, Owl, Owl Girl
Page Parks to Quorak
Page Parks, Pals of Freedom, Panther, Parachute
Patrol, Pat Patriot, Patriot, Patty O'Day, Paul Bunyan, Paul Revere, Jr.,
Pen Miller, Pep Morgan, Perisphere Payne, Phantasmo, Phantom Bullet, Phantom
Eagle, Phantom Falcons, Phantom Flyer, Phantom Lady, Phantom of the Underworld,
Phantom Ranger, Phantom Reporter, Phantom Rider, Phantom Soldier, Phantom
Sphinx, Phantom Sub, Phoenix Squadron, Pinto Pete, Pinky, Pioneer, Pirate
Prince, Planet Payson, Plastic Man, "Powder" Burns, Powerhouse Pepper,
Power Man, Power Nelson, Prankster, Press Guardian, Prince Menou, Princess
Pantha, Private Parker, Private Rook, Prop Powers, Punch Parker, Purple
Mask, Purple Trio, Purple Zombie, Pyroman, Q-Boat, Quicksilver, Quorak
Rackman to Rusty (I) & (II)
Rackman, Radar, Ragman, Rainbow, Rainbow
Boy, Rance Keane, Rang-a-Tang, Rangers of Freedom, Raven (I) & (II),
Ray, Reckoner, Red, Red Bee, Red Blazer, Red Coat Patrol, Red Comet, Red
Cross, Red Demon, Red Dragon, Red Gaucho, Red Hawk (I) & (II), Red
Logan, Red Mask, Red Panther, Red Raven, Red Reeves, Red Riley, Red Robbins,
Red Rocket, Red Rube, Red Seal, Red Skeleton, Red Tornado, Red Torpedo,
Red, White & Blue, "Reef" Kinkaid, Reef Ryan, Rex, Rex Dexter, Rex
Elliott, Rex King, Rex Swift, Reynolds of the Mounted, Rick Evans, "Rick"
Masters, Rick O'Shay, Rio Kid, Rip Carson, Robin, Robotman, Rocke Wayburn,
Rocket Boy, Rocketgirl, Rocketman, Rocket Rooney, Rockman, Rocky Ryan,
Rod Rian, Rodeo Rick, Roko, Roy Lance, Roy the Super Boy, Rudy the Robot,
Rulah the Jungle Goddess, Runaway Ronson, Rurik, Rusty (I), (II) &
Saint to Sword (II)
Saint, Sally O'Neil, Samar, Samson, Sand
Hog, Sandman, Sandra of the Secret Service, Sandy, Sandy Kean, Sargon,
Scarab, Scarlet Arrow, Scarlet Avenger, Scarlet Nemesis, Scarlet Phantom,
Scoop Scanlon, Scoop Smith, Scott Rand, Secret Agent M-11, Secret Agent
Z-2, Secret Stamp, Senorita Rio, Sentinel, Sergeant Bill King, Sergeant
Blake, Sergeant Boyle, Sergeant Flagg, Sergeant O'Malley, Sergeant Spook,
7 Soldiers of Victory, 711, Shadow, Shadow Jr., Shaman, Shangra, Shark,
Shark Brodie, Sheena, Shield, Shining Knight, Shipwreck Roberts, Sidi,
Silver Scorpion, Silver Streak, Simba, Skip Schuyler, Skull Squad, Sky-Devils,
Sky Girl, Skyman, Sky Ranger, Skyrocket, "Skyrocket" Steele, Skywolf, Sky
Wolf, Slam Bradley, Sleepy, Sniper, Socko Strong, Solar, Solar Legion,
"Solid" Jackson, Sorceress of Zoom, Space Admiral Curry, Spacehawk, Space
Legion, Space Rangers, Space Smith, Spade of the Secret Service, Sparkler,
Spark Man, "Spark" Stevens, Sparky (I) & (II), Sparky Watts, Spectre,
Spectro, Speed Centaur, Speed Gale, "Speed" Karr, Speed Martin, Speed Saunders,
Speed Silvers, Speedy, Spencer Steel, Sphinx, Spider, Spider Queen, Spider
Widow, Spider Woman, Spirit, Spirit Man, Spirit of '76, Spitfire (I) &
(II), Spot Savage, Spurt Hammond, Spy, Spy-Master, Spy Smasher, Stampy,
Starman, Star, Stardust, Star Pirate, Star Rover, Stars and Stripes, Star-Spangled
Kid, "Star-Spangles" Branner, Steel Fist, Steel Shark, Steel Sterling,
Steele Kerrigan, Steve Carson, Steve Case, Steve Conrad, Steve Malone,
Steve Stacey, Stoney Dawson, Storm Curtis, Strange Twins, Streak Sloan,
Strong of the Secret Service, Strongman, Stripesy, Stuff, Stuntman, Subbie,
Sub-Mariner, Sub-Zero Man, Suicide Smith, Sun Girl, Super-American, Super
Ann, Superboy, Superhorse, Superkatt, Superman, Supermind's Son, Supermouse,
Super Slave, Supersnipe, Swing Sisson, Sword (I) & (II)
Tabu to Typhoon Tyson
Tabu, Tanero, Tangi, Tarantula, Target, Targeteers,
Taxi Taylor, Ted O'Neil, Ted Parrish, Terrific Whatzit, Terror, Terror
Squad, Terry, Terry Vance, Texas Kid, Tex Thomson, Tex Trainor, Thelma
Gordon, Thin Man, 13, Thor, Three Cheers, 3Xs, Thunderhoof, Tiger Girl,
Tiger Hart, Tigerman, Tim, Tiny, TNT, Tomahawk, Tommy the Amazing Kid,
Tom Kerry, Tommy Paige, Tommy Tomorrow, Tommy Tyme, Tom Powers, Tom Sherrill,
Topper, Tor, Tornado Tom, Toro, Torpedo Man, Torro, Tough Kid Squad, Triple
Terror, Trojak, Trooper "Pat" Corrigan, Tuk, Tulpa of Tsang, 2023 Super-Police,
Twilight, Twister, Two-Gun Kid, Ty Gor, Typhon, Typhoon Tyson
Uncle Sam to U.S. Jones
Uncle Sam, Unknown Soldier, Ur the Caveboy,
USA, U.S. Jones
V-Agents to Vulcan
V-Agents, Valkyrie, Vana, Vapo-Man, Veiled
Avenger, Victory Boys, Vigilante, Vision, V-Man, Voice (I) & (II),
Volton (I) & (II), Voodoo Man, Vulcan
Waco Kid to Wyoming Kid
Waco Kid, Wambi, War Bird, War Eagle, War
Eagles, Warlock the Wizard, War Nurse, Wasp, Wasplet, Web, West Pointer,
Whip, Whirlwind, Whirlwind Carter, Whistler, White Hunters of the African
Safari, White Panther, White Rajah, The White Rider, White Streak, Whizzer,
Wildcat, Wildfire, Wilton of the West, Wing, Wing Brady, Wing-Ding, Wing
Turner, Wing Walker, Wings Wendall, Witness, Wizard, Wizard Wells, Woman
in Red, Wonder Boy (I) & (II), Wonder Man (I) & (II), Wonder Woman,
Wraith, Wyoming Kid
X-5 to ZX-5
X-5, Yank, Yankee Boy, Yankee Doodle Jones,
Yankee Eagle, Yankee Girl, Yankee Longago, Yarko the Great, Yellowjacket,
Young Allies, Young Avenger, Young Defenders, Young Robin Hood, Zago, Zanzibar,
Zara, Zardi, Zatara, Zebra, Zegra, Zephyr Jones, Zippo, ZL, ZR, and ZY,
Zoro, ZX-5
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